NHÀ XƯỞNG LIÊN KẾ 24m x 50m + 56m x 46m +bán mái =4384 m2 HOÀN THIỆN 7.454.160.000 đồng ( để xem chi tiét báo giá, quý khách tải bản vẽ và dự toán báo giá nhà xưởng về tham khảo )
Code: 3724
7,454,160,000 đ/sản phẩm
Workshop 24m x 50m + 56m x 46m + semi-roof = 4,384 m2, no roof, complete and erected steel part
1 - 7.14m span to complete the steel part,
2 - border column 8m high,
3 - corrugated iron 4 zem,
4 - purlin C:150x50x2ly,
5 - steel gable column 300x150x6.5x9
6 - gable truss steel 300x150x6.5x9
7 - main truss column steel (750-350)x 188x6x8
8 - main truss steel 750-350x188x6x8
9 - bracing I:250x125x6x9
10 - cable 12ly
11 - 12 . round iron tie
12 - plastic drainage pipe 114
13 – primer and color paint
14 – Foundation: 0.7m high x 0.7m wide x 1m long
15 – 250x250 concrete pile pressed 15m . deep
16 - Background: stone 4x6 and stone 0x4 0.3m . thick
17 - Platform: concrete mac 250 0.1m . thick
18 – Stairs 0.3m x 0.4m concrete mac 200
19 – bracing at the top of the wall 0.2m x 0.2m concrete mac 200
20 – brick wall 0.2m thick, 3m high
21 - wall spray powder + color paint
Detail Product
Construction of Factory 24m x 50m + 56m x 46m + semi-roof = 4,384 m2, (There is a wind roof, construction of walls, floors, foundations and production and erection of steel frames and corrugated iron roofing, complete turnkey), you can change the function or upgrade the communication structure of our company. via phone number: 0944347779 (Tri) to adjust the price accordingly according to the estimate table uploaded on the picture! (With wind roof, complete installation of steel parts) 1 - span 7.14m complete steel part, 2 - factory boundary columns 8m high, 3 - 4 zem factory roof corrugated iron, 4 - factory purlin C: 150x50x2ly, 5 - factory gable steel column 300x150x6.5x9 6 - factory gable truss steel 300x150x6.5x9 7 - factory main truss steel column (750-350)x 188x6x8 8 - factory main truss steel 750-350)x 188x6x8 9 - factory bracing I: 250x125x6x9 10 - 12mm factory cable 11 - round iron factory bracing company 12 12 - factory drainage plastic pipe 114 13 – factory primer and paint 14 – Factory foundation: 0.7m high x 0.7m wide x 1m long 15 - factory concrete pile 250x250 pressed 15m deep 16 - Factory floor: 4x6 stone and 0.3m thick 0.3m stone 17 - Factory floor: concrete mac 250 0.1m thick 18 – Factory beam 0.3m x 0.4m concrete mac 200 19 – factory wall head brace 0.2m x 0.2m mac 200 concrete 20 - Factory wall is made of bricks, 0.2m thick and 3m high 21 - powder sprayed wall + color paint
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