
bảng giá nhà xưởng 32m x126m= 4.581.485.303 đồng ( để xem chi tiét báo giá, ( để xem chi tiét báo giá, quý khách cần THI CÔNG NHÀ XƯỞNG tải bản vẽ báo giá nhà xưởng 2025 về tham khảo

Code: 3948
Factory 32m x 126m span 5m, 1- Boundary column SC1 - GHCL-15: 18CK (850-400)x212x8x10 9m high 2- Gable column: SC 2 - 14CK (212x 212 x 8x 10) 3- Steel truss frame - section 1 I-(850-400)x212x8lyx10ly, section 2 I- (400x212x8lyx10ly )- section 3 - I-(750-400)x212x8x10 Bracing: I-200X100X5,5X8- Roof purlin: C-200 x65x2mm, Side wall purlin 200x65x20x2ly, 4.5 zem square wave corrugated iron (Dong A) FACTORY PRICE LIST JANUARY 2024 (to see detailed quotation, please download ACAD FACTORY drawing, PDF factory drawing and factory price list for reference). (unit price of factory 32mm x 126m = 4,581,485,303 VND - including steel frame with corrugated iron roofing and complete erection, excluding construction parts such as: foundation, foundation, walls, drainage system)
Estimates Picture
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